draw in

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draw in

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:18:31

英 [drɔ: in]

美 [drɔ ɪn]

draw in基本解释

(火车、汽车)进站; 到达; 吸引


  • 英英释义
  • 词典解释
  • 网络解释


1. draw in as if by suction

e.g. suck in your cheeks and stomach

Synonym: suck in

2. direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes

e.g. Her good looks attract the stares of many men
The ad pulled in many potential customers
This pianist pulls huge crowds
The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers

Synonym: attractpullpull indraw

3. pull inward or towards a center

e.g. The pilot drew in the landing gear
The cat retracted his claws

Synonym: retract

4. of trains
move into (a station)

e.g. The bullet train drew into Tokyo Station

Synonym: pull inget inmove in

5. advance or converge on

e.g. The police were closing in on him

Synonym: close in

6. shape one's body into a curl

e.g. She curled farther down under the covers
She fell and drew in

Synonym: curl upcurl

1. (白昼)渐短;(天黑)渐早
If you say that the nights, evenings, or days are drawing in, you mean that it is becoming dark at an earlier time in the evening, because autumn or winter is approaching.

draw in的解释

e.g. The days draw in and the mornings get darker.

2. 使参与;使卷入
If you draw someone in or draw them into something you are involved with, you cause them to become involved with it.

e.g. It won't be easy for you to draw him in...
e.g. You gradually fall under the spell and get drawn in deeper and deeper...

3. 深呼吸;吸入(空气)
If you draw in your breath, you breathe in deeply. If you draw in air, you take it into your lungs as you breathe in.

draw in的反义词

e.g. Rose drew her breath in sharply...
e.g. Roll the wine around in your mouth, drawing in air at the same time.

1. (火车、汽车)进站:draw back 收回(已付关税等) | draw in (火车、汽车)进站 | draw into 使卷入

2. draw in在线翻译

2. (火车、汽车)到站:die down渐渐消失,平息 | draw in(火车、汽车)到站 | dress up穿上盛装,打扮得很漂亮

3. (火车、汽车)到站;(天)渐黑,(白昼)渐短:do without 没有...也行,用不着,将就 | draw in (火车、汽车)到站;(天)渐黑,(白昼)渐短 | draw up 起草,拟订;(使)停住

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
Norway had held Holland to a scoreless draw in Rotterdam.(挪威队在鹿特丹以零比零与荷兰队打成平手。)
Create a new layer and draw in a big rectangle about 400px high.(创建一个新层画一个400px高的长方形。这是用作我们网页页头的。)
Use the same tool to draw in hair, neck shading, etc.(使用相同的工具画头发,脖子的影子,等等。)
A giant clam's siphon is used to draw in water to filter and consume passing plankton.(巨型蛤蚌的虹吸管是被用来以过吸水的方式过滤并吸食经过的浮游生物。)
Gauguin, the more forceful personality, wanted to draw in the studio, van Gogh to paint in the open air.(具有更强势个性的高更希望可以在画室里面进行创作而让梵高到户外去创作。)
Hydrogen, we can first draw in our atomic electrons.(氢原子,我们可以先画出原子电子。)
These "ghosts", in the industry's jargon, are used to draw in new punters and to help keep existing ones hooked.(用行话说,这些“鬼”被用来招徕新赌徒和保住老客户。)
South Africa and Mexico played to a 1-1 draw in the opening game.(东道主南非队在揭幕战与墨西哥队战成1比1平。)
Lie on your back and draw in long breaths of it.(躺下,深呼吸吧。)
If a train entered the tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it.(如果有一列火车开进隧道,它就把新鲜空气随之抽了进来。)
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